A transitional work that carries narrative like that of an original soundtrack.

Patience within experimentation
3OP is a transcontinental and inclusive collective focusing on forward-thinking electronic and computer music headed up by Elliott Watson and Nil Hartman. They have slowly been gathering some of computer music’s finest on their roster. With a steady stream of releases including the likes of Core Alter, William Fields, Calum Gunn, Synalegg, Qebo, 0F.digital and most recently Othello Aubern—Igloo are taking a look back at one that slipped under our radar towards the end of last year. Notein is Mersad Muminović, hailing from Hrvatska (Croatia), and 3OP presents to the world his stunning work Salire.
Fraught with delicate motions that are precise in digital form, yet harnessing an organic matter within, Salire showcases patience within experimentation and provides sincere compositions. Whilst the mixture of analog and updated firmware soundscapes sit together like inseparable twins, there is an immense amount of control here that demonstrates each can live side by side without showing off or trying to one-up each other. Those familiar with 3OP’s output will enjoy discovering the breathers of atmospheric treats that in some cases are the opposite to the high octane musings of Notein’s peers.
Salire, in full, is a transitional work that carries narrative like that of an original soundtrack. Perhaps the recent passing of Vangelis is in the back of my mind whilst listening to the film-noir-esque “Circa,” we can imagine similar iconic scenes to accompany. With that thought Notein should certainly be given merit for developing tones that are timeless which will certainly resonate with many.
Personal favorite has to be closing track, “Celeste,” for its expansive reach into an infinity that only Notein has managed to outrun with their masterful showcase in this tremendously thought-provoking release. Don’t sleep on this like I did!
Salire is available on 3OP. [Bandcamp]