Natali Kruger :: 83% Invisible (Les Anges Noirs De l’Utopie)

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Natali Kruger continues to forge 3D soundscapes, alien worlds and sparse electronic landscapes merging dark and eerie atmospheric elements with sharp industrial edges—and yet an organic quality emerges from the shadows on 83% Invisible.

Decayed electronics and surreal sound design

Natali Kruger continues to forge 3D soundscapes, alien worlds and sparse electronic landscapes merging dark and eerie atmospheric elements with sharp industrial edges—and yet an organic quality emerges from the shadows on 83% Invisible.

Almost tribal (“Abduction”) and with a certain flare for exploring unknown crevasses and rippling vocal strands (“Tiger”), Natali Kruger—a French sound artist based in Brussels, Belgium, also known as Baby Kruger—painstakingly adheres to buried sonic details. The nuance of abstract blips’n bleeps (“La Reine Noire”) to broken yet hypnotic rhythms as evidenced on tracks like “Le Col De l’Ange,” allows this album to shift, slither and slide into ethereal terrain without a trace. Vocal layers are blurred and at once coalesce with natural effects, field recordings migrate with broken beats (“Cougar Choley”) and ultimately 83% Invisible is a baffling assortment of decayed electronics and surreal sound design crafted by a true sonic sculptor.

83% Invisible is available on Les Anges Noirs De l’Utopie. [Bandcamp]

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