Molez :: Majd Máskor, Valahol Máshol (Kaer’Uiks)

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Majd Máskor, Valahol Máshol ultimately is an auditory smorgasbord that, while seemingly extraterrestrial, also invites the listener to engage themselves and find solace.

Applying texture and corrosion to unfolding sonic layers

Molez strikes back with a beautifully distorted collection for Kaer’Uiks and continues his foray through abstract beatwork, tangled notes, and modular acrobatics—both organically infused and drenched in downtempo strains. Through twelve highly detailed audio snapshots, elements of early Einóma and Funkstörung soundscapes bend and twist, offering dark and brittle IDM shades. Luminous brokenbeat tones and crunchy moods persist, their exploratory nature consumed by mechanical noises, ambient scrapes and pitter-patter percussion. While on the cover MMVM may appear upbeat and colorful, cheerful even, Molez masters a stunning array of shadowy rhythms, flying low to the ground while applying texture and corrosion to these unfolding sonic layers. As the myriad of displaced beats, rolling rhythms, and subtractive electronics unravel, minimally deformed structures expand with maximized effect. Sparse, sporadic, and specialized experiments in sound—the bleak build-up of each piece finds itself surrounded by fractured echoes and hazy patterns as Molez remains in a far away field of his own. Majd Máskor, Valahol Máshol ultimately is an auditory smorgasbord that, while seemingly extraterrestrial, also invites the listener to engage themselves and find solace.

Majd Máskor, Valahol Máshol is available on Kaer’Uiks. [Bandcamp]

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