Low Communication :: We Should Leave The Earth (EQ)

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Transporting us back to the early aughts where Toytronic, Art-Tek, Neo Ouija, and Pause_2 labels launched melodic experimental electronic transmissions during the height of IDM; Low Communication glides somewhere between then and now.

We Should Leave The Earth by Low Communication maintains a subdued yet enduring flow under EC Underground‘s recently minted EQ sub-label. The title track is direct and to the point; it’s time to start thinking seriously about finding a new habitable planet and this piece could be the soundtrack to that voyage. It begins with drifting synths and instrumental threads of fragility and sadness. And it’s in these tiny glitches and polished electronics that we find the highly communicative work of Ukrainian artist Bohdan Linchevskiy, also known as Low Communication, so perplexing. These subtly developed electrical slices feature the sensation of lightness and are reminiscent of a bygone era of music production.

Brittle and bustling soundscapes abound, particularly on “Hope Departure” and “Confusion,” both incredibly encouraging and inspiring, providing us with positive sources of inspiration. Transporting us back to the early aughts where Toytronic, Art-Tek, Neo Ouija, and Pause_2 labels launched melodic experimental electronic transmissions during the height of IDM; Low Communication glides somewhere between then and now. There are slightly dimmer tracks like “No Place For Us,” and “Back To Home,” which closes with synth swells, combining vintage rhythms with a plethora of instruments and found sounds that have a classical feel to them. Pure, delicate, and soaring new-electronica textures for the roaring twenties.

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