IGR J17091-3624 :: IGR J17091​-​3624 EP (Móatún 7)

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A pleasant (if not searing) adventure that manipulates our senses and our sense of location while transferring us via ragged rhythms that we find ourselves repeating.

Textures of turbulent atmospheres waver and whirl

Two virtuoso musicians are honing their tried-and-true sound sculpting skills in a clandestine cooperation. The two modular maestros should be readily identifiable on the internet, and we’re really amazed at how well they can sync their styles. These six tracks feature Autechrean sound fields with shimmering, flickering glitch-industrial flares that confound the listener, along with wandering yet direct bass’n bleeps. Textures of turbulent atmospheres waver and whirl like distant, lost soundtrack transmissions. It’s a pleasant (if not searing) adventure that manipulates our senses and our sense of location while transferring us via ragged rhythms that we find ourselves repeating.

IGR J17091-3624 is available on Móatún 7. [Bandcamp]

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