Lovetrip :: Little Silver Box (Móatún 7)

Oli Love’s signature sound is the essential ingredient on the Móatún 7 roster. The album in its entirety is indescribably stunning and is the epitome of top-tier ambient electronica.

Like an opiate-induced state of pleasure

I can honestly say that my first listen to Little Silver Box by Oli Love (aka Lovetrip) was a literal jaw-dropping moment. “Carbonate” is crafted by a mid-tempo range of pleasant basslines which compels and captivates. “Other Things” evolves into an experience through chill territory with slithers of tranquil groove. This album, as a whole, is like an opiate-induced state of pleasure and electronic bliss that slowly seeps into your brain. It is evident that this electronic music pioneer stays true to the moniker. I would say the music is indeed a love trip of pure ecstasy in sound. Oli Love’s signature sound is the essential ingredient on the Móatún 7 roster. The album in its entirety is indescribably stunning and is the epitome of top-tier ambient electronica.

Little Silver Box is available on Móatún 7. [Bandcamp]