Ignatius :: Carney Impost EP (Buried In Time)

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Autechrean soil is once again composted on Carney Impost, however, Ignatius always manages to unearth tangled mechanical rhythms straddling the lines between electroacoustic, signal processing and a cementitious beat slurry of activity.

Modular compositions and downtempo distractions

Steve Westbrook’s Ignatius moniker continues to yield additional modular extractions and a creative surplus of abstract electronics. All manner of strange and conductive blips, clangs, bangs, and crunchy melodic jolts are featured on this 5-pack EP. Autechrean soil is once again composted on Carney Impost, however, Ignatius always manages to unearth tangled mechanical rhythms straddling the lines between electroacoustic, signal processing and cementitious beat slurries. Gravitating towards experimental sonic bursts, each track shimmies its way through darker corridors (the Pacific Northwest artists’ signature), often via repetitive and hypnotic loops as the five pieces gently ease the listener into mysterious modular compositions and downtempo distractions. Fans of Phoenecia and Autechre should obviously take note.

Carney Impost is available on Buried In Time. [Bandcamp]

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