Huxion :: Huxion (ata:empire)

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The subdued ambient techno strands and melodic rhythms oscillate back and forth with thoughtfully placed atmospheric pulses, creating a sound as hazy as time itself.

Creating a sound as hazy as time itself

New solo project from Arni Teitur Asgeirsson (Worm Is Green), now producing music under the Huxion moniker, sees his latest release generating a soft magnetic glow. The subdued ambient techno strands and melodic rhythms oscillate back and forth with thoughtfully placed atmospheric pulses, creating a sound as hazy as time itself. Asgeirsson’s music has a distinct sound that suggests inspiration from the past works of artists such as Port Royal, Plastikman, Monolake, and possibly Deepchord—enticing the listener with a myriad of relaxed yet imploding soundscapes and wide open sonic vistas for as far as the eye can see. While the music is minimal in overall mood, it maintains a powerful pulse that is hard to resist absorbing in one sitting. Notable moments emerge on “Einu Sinni Melódía ft. Vélvild,” “Önnur Kemistría,” “Látlaus Melódía,” and “Sementstúnið.”

Huxion is available on ata:empire. [Bandcamp]

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