V/A :: Hallucino Attics (Dissolved Re​-​Constructed 2001​-​2006) (Section 27)

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Hallucino Attics displays a virtual cornucopia of audio delights in the form of 25-tracks that bend, twist, and contort freely. Perhaps the widest genre-bending lens in the experimental electronic arena, its aural construct and splendid reprieve from the norm makes for the quintessential musical reference point.

Yet another massive undertaking, and one that came together by each contributing artist having access to Dissolved music files, sketches, vocals, samples, outtakes, jams, and lost recordings which have travelled with the artist for 17-years. As a result, and surprisingly enough, Hallucino Attics displays a virtual cornucopia of audio delights in the form of 25-tracks that bend, twist, and contort freely.

Coppice Halifax displays ultra low-end dub manifests, Mitoma gravitates toward Gescom-evolved mechanized glitch, AtOm_AnT dribbles clip-hop beats and downtempo beauty, and Stormfield elevates the noise with punctuated industrial shards. Hallucino Attics is more than a mere glimpse into the Dissolved sound bank, instead, it is creatively re-sculpted by skilled musicians around the globe. illl rattles ahead with slow-motion dark-beat voyages, Sinkop Artz manipulates Brothomstates-like drums and detuned melodies while Room Of Wires performs a majestic assault on the ears with downtempo slivers. An Autechrean galaxy is revealed via exm’s use of DSP effects and explosive digital debris as Nonima elicits a playful industrial-IDM interlude brimming with 80s pseudo-funk. Eigenheimer delivers broken beat and sample-laden dosages as Datolar dissects off-kilter rhythm-bursts and surreal sonic plateaus.

In all, Hallucino Attics offers perhaps the widest genre-bending lens in the experimental electronic arena. Its aural construct and splendid reprieve from the norm makes for the quintessential musical reference point.

Hallucino Attics (Dissolved Re​-​Constructed 2001​-​2006) is available on Section 27.

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