Hall of Mirrors :: Altered Nights (Malignant)

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Tumultuous and hell-ish dronescapes which savagely rising and rumbling from distant supernatural seas. An unique musical signature which reinforce the magnetic potentiality of corrosive-aggressively noisy droning frequencies in usual amorphous bleak soundscapes.

Hall of Mirrors ‘Altered Nights’

[Release page] Hall of Mirrors is an experimental-subterranean droning project formed by Giuseppe Verticchio (Nimh) and Andrea Marutti (Never Known, Amon, Sil Muir…). Their music is entirely devoted to playful blackened ambient with an intuitive interest for dreamtime ethno-sound ritualism. Hall of Mirrors operates the perfect symbiosis between Giuseppe’s unique ability to create entrancing-textured acoustic canvas and Andrea’s solid specialization in sonically rumbling dronescapes. The duet is time to time accompanied by musician friends such as The leading thematic and conceptual motives behind these sonorous-cinematic soundscapes are turned to solipsism issues, odd metaphysics from the nature, existential isolationism and to the subliminal dimension of the being. Their first album Reflections on Black (Silentes, 2007) delivered a formlessness otherworldly dark ambient panorama in a pure classy vein . Forgotten Realms (Silentes, 2009) approached a innovative combination between sonic minimalist electronics, complex and slowly expanding sound textures with an important presence of acoustic instrumentation, their latest encompasses the fields of mantric-archetypal atmospheric epics.

The first Chapter of this double album provides what we can consider to be the most colourful-ecstatically visceral dimension of Hall of Mirrors musical universe. This typicall sound imaginary culminates on the heavily tranced-out “Immaterial bodies”. A mesmeric track, perfectly orchestrated between monolithic-meditative drone waves, ritual electronic scintillations and windy-crystal like effects which progressively come to the fore. Primordial-Mystical energies are surrounded the listener to enter the supreme astral dimension. The second chapter delivers gorgeously cinematic blackness made of spherical-bass frequencies, processed field recordings, grimy chords and various sound objects. An ultra doomy, brilliantly static and dreamscaping sound odyssey that reminds the best things published in the dark ambient field with something very dense and massive regarding the sound assemblage and more progression regarding the sonorous intensity. Tumultuous and hell-ish dronescapes which savagely rising and rumbling from distant supernatural seas. An unique musical signature which reinforce the magnetic potentiality of corrosive-aggressively noisy droning frequencies in usual amorphous bleak soundscapes. The perfect musical elaboration between Northern textured nocturnal ambient and the Italian facet of death industrialism with ethno-spiritual sound ritualism. Absolutely baffling and unique.

Altered Nights is available on Malignant. [Release page]

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