Fluorescent Grey :: Antique Electronic / Synthesizer Greats 1955-1984 Pt 1 (Acroplane)

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Highly recommended for lovers of vintage electronica and people interested in a history lesson of where the music they listen to came from.

From Acroplane, comes this wonderful mash-up by Fluorescent Grey, chronicling the golden age of synthesizer. Released on their for free portion of this label to avoid the licensing nightmare, the tracks are available 26 easily digestible chunks or as one long continuous mix. The songs run the full gamut from synth pop (Depeche Mode, Human League), soundtracks (The Thing, The Terminator), to more obscure pieces (Zoviet France, Severed Heads). Of course the album would not be complete without sounds the grandfathers of modern electronic music: Kraftwerk.

The synth sounds are almost exclusively warm and analogue showcasing a time before the DX7 and Emulator ruled the sonic landscape. ARPs, Moogs, and Oberheims are shown in all their glory. The drums throughout the album are a mix of synthesized modular zaps, Roland CR series dings and disco backbeats. Sounds were reduced down to loops and single hits and sequenced the source material gives glimpses of its origin but not always revealing its true identity. Despite using a vast number of sources the tracks on this album and accompanying mix all fit together quite nicely and show the hand of both a skillful and well educated curator.

Part of me wishes that Fluorescent Grey had listed out the elements as to what songs were used to make up each of the tracks, as this album would serve as an excellent educational resource. In listening to this album, we are reminded that many of today’s genres had their prototypes within this golden age. Highly recommended for lovers of vintage electronica and people interested in a history lesson of where the music they listen to came from.

Antique Electronic / Synthesizer Greats 1955-1984 Pt 1 is out now on Acroplane.

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