Duran Duran Duran :: Rejectro EP (Tigerbeat6)

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Late night dark and nasty body rocking beats with zap noises, snappy snares and crisp claps.

Duran Duran Duran :: Rejectro EP

Ed Flis of Duran Duran Duran wants your booty to move and move fast! To help you do that he’s produced Rejectro for your ass-shaking pleasure. This isn’t intellectual Teutonic modular meandering, folks: this is late night dark and nasty body rocking beats with zap noises, snappy snares and crisp claps.

Hard hitting distorted kicks and claps open on “Rejectro” with all the subtlety of a robot mugging. Glitchy burping gaseous releases are synced with hard synths for maximum dance floor effect. This is dark music for dancing or dance music for darkening. Take your pick. “Rejectro” has enough for the ears and ass to keep both interested without overstaying its sonic welcome. It’s not unlike Aphex Twin’s “Hangable Auto-Bulb” in its sonic strength and aggressive production.

“Giant Welt” sounds similar to Autechre’s “Gantz Graf” but geared more toward dancing as opposed to chin-stroking and maths. The beat is slightly off-kilter with just enough glitchy skitters to make a slightly different piece of music than just something to dance to. It is reminiscent of some work of Meat Beat Manifesto’s 90’s era industrial/big beat output. “Giant Welt’s” bass is a burbling, hard-hitting arpeggio that roots and supports the gated drums nicely. Swashes and pads here are also reminiscent of Jega and Bola while being entirely part of the Duran Duran Duran soundscape.

The second half of the EP is remixes which are a mixed bag in the face of Duran Duran Duran’s strong songs. Rory St. John’s “Giant Welt” remix bangs and stutters along like nobodies business and by god does it well! It’s heavy and gloomy with intriguing beats that take elements of the original and makes something entirely new, different, darker and weirder. Joe Lentini’s “Rejectro” remix, on the other hand, is something I might play if I wanted to show people what sucked about 90’s industrial. Or get rid of unwanted house guests. Or insure I wouldn’t get laid for decades. It lumbers along sounding weird without actually doing anything new or different like a droid with a bad motivator.

Duran Duran Duran’s Rejectro is a great mix of dance, techno and industrial elements but not without a certain sense of humor and light aspect to it. This is a great addition to his work and also a great introduction to it for newer fans.

Rejectro is available on Tigerbeat6. [Bandcamp]

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