Dreadcore :: Schematics EP (Acroplane)

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The full-on scope, depth, and force exuded on Schematics is enough to fuel an entire album even with its relatively short runtime.

Grit and rugged bass, beats, and distortion inhabits this intense EP by Dreadcore. My only gripe (and it’s not a major one) would be the duration of each audio sculpture all in the two to three minute range. Yet Dreadcore allows just enough of a connection only to be immediately left stranded in a dystopian landscape. In these brief moments, however, each piece elicits high-energy furosity where broken percussive jungle and drum’n bass chunks interact with heavy low-end industrial sheets, loosened breaks, and abstract sonic detonations. Where “Tripwire” explodes in a roaring drum onslaught, “Nightjar” delivers dark rolling rhythmic mysteries. The slithering drums and acid warble of “Guttersnipe” is intercepted by the emotive “Scattershot,” a gorgeous slice of distilled breakcore. “Scowlware” echoes like a lost Scorn excerpt as it tapers into exploratory ambient textures. And this is perhaps where this EP finds itself—the full-on scope, depth, and force exuded on Schematics is enough to fuel an entire album even with its relatively short runtime.

Schematics is available on Acroplane.

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