Dayin :: Warm Like Crystal Throats (Mahorka)

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A surreal ambient colossus that is well worth your attention.

Tranquilizing ambient excursions

Warm Like Crystal Throats on Bulgarian label Mahorka was released in August 2023. Opening track “Melting Caves” exposes its subtle soundscape (and mysterious charm). Angel Simitchiev (also known as Dayin and Amek Collective label manager) offers fourteen tracks of tranquilizing ambient excursions. Take “Endurance” as an example, with its ebb and flow washing over the landscape, to see exactly how addictive the electroacoustic layers and lingering atmosphere hovering just above these works are. There are also shoegazing moments. “Wasting Water on Dry Whispers” is as smooth as silk, floating almost imperceptibly in the background. Tracks like “A Surge of Life” and “Flares Still Burning” are calming and develop on a spiritual level. With “Weathering,” Dayin closes, letting darker aspects peek through drone tones that have deepened before fading away. A surreal ambient colossus that is well worth your attention.

Warm Like Crystal Throats is available on Mahorka. [Bandcamp]

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