Contre son :: Infinity of Dreams (Gladivs)

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Titled Infinity of Dreams, this effort is a hybrid of styles operating a crossover between neo-classical orchestrations, mystical-liturgic ambient obtained by various synthetic chords and slightly pulsating ritual music.

Based in France the young Gladivs Records is taken high the flag of post-industrial music and occult experimentalism with a handful of noticeable releases from new or confirmed projects. Their cohesive editorial line takes back the spirit behind mythical labels in those subgenres, such as Raubbau, World Serpent, Fossil Dungeon, Hands Production, and Dark Vinyls. In France, and through time, this imprint can reach a cult position in the French underground and counter-culture industrial music, like a follow up to Divine Comedy Records.

Contre Son is a one-man-band with guests, formed by Michel Götting (who leads here with all the instrumentation and vocal glossolalia passages). Titled Infinity of Dreams, this effort is a hybrid of styles operating a crossover between neo-classical orchestrations, mystical-liturgic ambient obtained by various synthetic chords and slightly pulsating ritual music. This is also imbued by a lugubrious cinematic atmosphere and a mysterious dark spell. Spoken words and plaintive aerial lyrical vocals are lead by Christina Harslem as in the sorrowing epic “The Wolf Dance.” We feel like entering a vibrant, nightly rumbling invocatory ceremony populated by heathen deities and forgotten gods from the past. This works in a quite magnificent and grandiose way in the near hypnotic, shamanic, and entrancing “A Beautiful Portal.” “Passion” concludes the album with a sort of funerary march for monastic choir, repetitive drums and heavenly tones.

Infinity of Dreams is a neo-classical ambient album that offers a captivating sonic forray, blending ritualistic, haunting, and gothic elements with a cohesive and dramatic artistic vision. Absolutely recommended and worth of consideration for fans of Durch Heer Und Kraft, Droefheid, Leidungr, Dawn & Dusk Entwined; but the result is almost more consistent and mind appealing, also with a more meditative somberness.

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