Bomb the Bass – Lali Puna :: Clear Cut (Morr Music)

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161 image 1 Damn, these types of totally unexpected records are fun. You get surprized when an old hero like Tim Simenon suddenly surfaces on (let’s face it) a relatively obscure label like Morr Music, especially as he’s working with the definitely obscure duo Lali Puna. On Clear Cut Simenon’s fat basslines and Lali Puna’s gently simmering electronics perfectly accompanies Valerie Trebeljahr’s vocals, sometimes talking, sometimes singing. Even better is the Herrmann & Kleine “Recut”, which put the focus on a beautiful, romantic melody juxtaposed with lovely crashing beats.

The following three remixes, by Opiate, Arovane and Christian Kleine respectively, are all a bit more subdued and soft-spoken. While definitely beat-driven I feel they, in comparison, don’t have the punch that the Herrmann & Kleine version carries. Though on their own they are all good tunes.

  • Morr Music
  • dever-to-laye-init
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