Beyond the Clones :: OrganOid EP (Self Released)

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The epitome of abstract electronics, capturing a multitude of sci-fi concepts skillfully weaved into a singular, musical tapestry.

OrganOid is a two-track release inspired by the “chaos and calmness” of Kerberos, a small natural satellite of Pluto, and resides in flowing electronic realms. Beyond the Clones produces unique and captivating forces through the use of tape-loopers and distortion pedals as these two tracks reveal. “..0_01” is a fast-paced four-minute piece that delivers breakbeat-industrial pulsars of disjointed drums, blips and bleeps, and molten lava flows. Meanwhile, “Gamma Beeps” moves through a more subdued world of buzzing clicks and cuts that will easily appeal to fans of early Mille Plateaux and Raster-Noton. OrganOid, as a result, is the epitome of abstract electronics, capturing a multitude of sci-fi concepts skillfully weaved into a singular, musical tapestry. Looking forward to more in this vein.

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