Aspen :: Music From Passing Cars (Involve)

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As a permanent part of Involve Records’ roster and a driving force behind the label in general, Bevan Smith’s Music From Passing Cars is his third album under the Aspen name.

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Between the Album and Are You A Retail Snob? albums, Smith’s sound mellowed and matured, becoming more ambient and spacious in the process. Music From Passing Cars is a continuation in this vein, very spatially aware and ambient in texture. The title track “Music From Passing Cars” for example a very low-key and minimal introduction to the album, being followed by the sudden cymbal clash of “Music From Passing Cars Rehashed”. Everything about this album is chilled out; steadily paced sharp beats, crisp percussion and sweeping chords. Beautifully constructed and paced, “Music From Passing Cars” is suited to being played as the ultimate in cool background music, the essential after club chill out soundtrack or as a perfect way to relax after a hard days work. This album is ideal as either incidental music or to being gently absorbed into.

Where some ambient artists aim for dark intensity and others verge on techno rhythms, Smith combines perfectly paced beats and rhythms to create an uplifting and relaxing mix of electronic and contemporary music. A warm, welcoming and soothing sonic treat.

  • Involve
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