Both of these producers are heavyweights in their field, Appleblim being one of the forefathers of the UK bass scene and October being an accomplished producer whose music falls somewhere between house and techno.

This collaborative 12” by mesers Appleblim and October is the first release on new Bristol label Schmorgasbord. This really is something special to kick off with. Both of these producers are heavyweights in their field, Appleblim being one of the forefathers of the UK bass scene and October being an accomplished producer whose music falls somewhere between house and techno. Interestingly, October uses almost entirely analogue gear in his productions, and as the collaboration took place in his studio, the record was made using these tools. I suppose there are still a lot of purists out there who prefer to use analogue equipment, but it is getting rarer with computer power increasing and more plugins then you can shake a stick at on the market. I think it does make a difference though, I’m sure the whole record has a warmth and sense of life that is the result of the environment it was conjured from. Maybe it’s just because I knew this beforehand though. Either way, it’s a great record.
“N Y FIZZZZ” is the A side, and is a 4/4 track intended for dance floors. A no-nonsense intro of a stripped-back beat builds slowly into a really solid body jiggling slightly spaced out house track with a really well crafted bass sound. There is a sense of vastness to the track which is subtle and effective, heightened by the introduction of slightly spaced out keyboard stabs. A big tune that has already sold out once and gone to repress.
Side B is a much sparser affair. “Fountains Of Paradise” has hints of the dub sound that Appleblim is known for, deep basses and echoing hits’n stabs that come and go through the soundscape. Again, a sense of vastness is there, but this time it’s celestial. There is a lot of space in this track, which fragments of melody from old school synth sounds float around in. Much less dance floor oriented, more one for the iPod. Completely immersive, quality music.
NY Fizzzzz / Fountains Of Paradise is out now on Schmorgasbord.
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