The Voice of Serenity establishes that spiral nebulae exist well beyond the edge of the Milky Way, while simultaneously dealing with the nature of the universe, the cosmos, as well as the study of the chronology of the universe and the actions of the cosmic beings who are completely indifferent toward humanity.
Distant dark forces in action
The Voice of Serenity establishes a plausible release from terror, such as my own embrace of a fear of the cosmic void. I can hear invisible rumbling, signaling the presence of distant dark forces in action. What if the dark forces find ProtoU? (What if they find ME…)
The lack of psychological serenity might lead to misunderstandings that gnaw at the happiness of one’s life, opening more of the myriad slippery ways down into misery, suffering, sudden death, increased obsession with suicidiation, and reduced quality of life. The key to finding serenity is simply trusting that the universe has your back. Serenity is a state of being calm, peaceful and untroubled. Achieving this positive state of mind means you won’t feel as troubled by life’s ups and downs. As an example, take me, I am on a dreamy sweeping voyage across light and dark. The Voice of Serenity speaks directly to me and includes mostly solo tracks as well as tracks featuring spooky-electronics maestro Fractalyst and cinematic soundscaper Skrika.
What I hear is an expansion of space from which the universe is thought to have emerged, in short, the sound of humanity’s fear of their insignificance in an incomprehensibly large universe, based on mythological, religious, and esoteric literature and traditions of creation and eschatology myths. Sasha Puzan is marvelous at weaving her textural drones over atmospheric soundscapes. On the album The Voice of Serenity, it is not the insignificance of humanity in the universe that causes terror, as it is my discovery that I have absolutely no power to change anything in the vast, indifferent universe that surrounds us. The Voice of Serenity establishes that spiral nebulae exist well beyond the edge of the Milky Way, while simultaneously dealing with the nature of the universe, the cosmos, as well as the study of the chronology of the universe and the actions of the cosmic beings who are completely indifferent toward humanity, which has embarked on the search for knowledge, in this case ending with a profound fear of the “other.” But now I digress, forgive me. Euthymia provides.
A lucid state of robust equanimity ::
Where was I? On a dreamy sweeping voyage across time and space, never succumbing to astral possession or alien miscegenation, while actively pursuing a lucid state of robust equanimity. Listening to The Voice of Serenity I hear light and dark details about the insignificance of humanity and its doings, and I am good with that. Rather than summarily rejecting the possible existence of some greater purposes, I hear a blessed illusion of restfulness, a state of freedom from storm or disturbance. This is my best recollection, I could be wrong again.
Key the birds, “Sudden Sunlight“ (2:30). Her voice is emerging in wistful floating moments neither impossible nor a paradox. We must be at once cautious and courageous and to invite peace from the outside to the inside. Keys are made to open portals. Keys represent metrics for chromatic musical modalities. Keys are lost. Rising “Luminiferous“ (3:34). Uplifting in a dark context, a steady beat emerges within an electronic drone crackling, and deep brass hydraulis simulations. Eventually I hear a windy brook, as we merge with “Mera“ (10:00). Metallic humming and the electronic sound of running water falling down abysmal tunnels and reaching beaches. The feeling slowly gets rowdier at times, as we continue breaking forward, with a strong buzz and hum, and fleeting strings, which sound sometimes like chimes. We are going to be alright.
Or maybe not. Darkness and the sounds of running water launch the next track, suggesting slight thunderstorms and enchanting vocalisms, “Drowned in Silence” feat. Fractalyst (4:56). Activity in a cave with drones and choirs, long slow tones with rare celestial fireworks overhead, while below are the sounds of logs bumping in the agitated waves at night on the beach. Fractalyst, on this recording, is primarily working with modular synths, field recordings, vocals and tape. A mirror of thoughts and fears, Fractalyst was started in late 2019 by Dimitris Valasopoulos, who subsequently joined the Cryo Chamber with his debut album Watchtower in 2022, a post apocalyptic journey painted on the thickest walls of sound. Recommended for fans of the neo post apocalypse, exploring analogue textures and soothing warm tape noise.
A distant ringing reveals “Wiring Frequencies“ (4:40). Humming winds increase, I might hear a clock, a tick pattern with variations which expands into a strong drone with playful whistles. A shaman rattles in the darkness. My medications are working. Strange stuff happens, backwards humming, a magical low buzz and the rattle of motion. I might hear a big old gong bumping along, sometimes with an old radio in the distance. Or maybe not, what is it?
Surrender to the present moment ::
In a wet cave deep below the ocean, at night, I learn to let go of all control and surrender to the present moment. “Resonance” feat. Skrika (6:01), starts and now strange shadowy creatures are present in this moment, and together we are finding tranquility, heartsease, peace, peace of mind, peacefulness, and even repose. Some things are up to us and others are not. Serenity is a sense of inner peace that is not subject to the whims of the outside world, how to face pain with courage and quiet resilience.
Skrika is a dark ambient project from the UK by Monty Adkins. His works have been performed at and commissioned by leading international festivals and institutions and released on labels worldwide including Audiobulb (UK), empreintes DIGITALes (Québec), Crónica (Portugal), Signature (France), Eilean (France), and LINE (USA). Mathew, or Monty Adkins is a British experimental electronic composer, performer, educator and researcher who primarily creates digital audio works and installations. Since 2008, his sound work has become increasingly minimal and introspective, characterised by slow shifting organic instrumental and concrete soundscapes, focusing on encouraging a deeper immersive listening experience. Using a reduced sonic palette, he draws together elements from ambient, minimal electronica, acousmatic and experimental electronic music often combining instrumental and electronic sound. Recommended for fans of field recordings, harmonic pads and tranquil soundscapes.
Now at last the deep rumbling very gradually builds, I am wandering into a larger quiet chamber that is increasingly dark this night, and I can hear when things are moving about somewhere in here. I hear them somewhere out there in the mirk, way across the river. There must be a new monster in this area. Or maybe not. Or are we alone within the darkness and only imagining the sound of some kind of unknown activity? Before I have the answer, a new low rumbling emerges, “Peripheral Happenstance“ (11:19). Change what you can, ignore what you can’t, stop resisting life and accept the merciful state of being calm, welcome your own peaceful, and untroubled ataraxy. My ataraxia often fails me whenever I need it the most. The music of The Voice of Serenity helps me to relieve that very symptom. I recommend this invisible dark rumbling music, signaling the presence of distant dark forces in action, and simulating the most perfect antidote for terror. Sasha is back.
The Voice of Serenity is available on Cryo Chamber. [Bandcamp]