V/A :: SEQUENCE6 (Futuresequence)

Contemplative drone experimentation, neo-classical and dead of night atmospherics.

Continuing an excellent run in high quality free downloads, Sequence6 is upon us with a host of new artists to discover. As previous the theme is contemplative drone experimentation, neo-classical and dead of night atmospherics. There are some stunning discoveries within the 40 tracks carefully curated by Michael from futuresequence.  Just a few to mention here: Darren Harper’s “Adrift on a Sinewave Sea,” Lucy Claire’s combination of found sounds, piano and strings on “Paelistin,” Fontaine’s moodily stratospheric “High Altar” and Cinchel’s expansive and epic “Dry Ice (2nd & 3rd Movements).”

As always, well worth a thorough investigation and congratulations to futuresequence and all the artists involved on another fine compilation.

Sequence6 is available on futuresequence. [Release page]
