Scorn returns to Ohm Resistance with EP & LP

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Beat. Bass. Drone. Drift. Ohm Resistance has revealed that Mick Harris (Scorn, Fret, Quoit, Napalm Death, Lull, and countless other pseudonyms) will be releasing an EP this late spring and LP in the fall of 2019. ~CT

In these dark times, even with a new year upon us, it can feel like there’s no good news, no hope on the horizon. Then something happens which in this case is the return of a hero thought to have hung up their weapons of choice. Are they truly here to save us or is this a figment of our imagination? Well in this case it’s as true as the snow outside the window, as the sun rising and falling, as night slowly overtaking day.

Yes, it’s true. Scorn is back! Ohm Resistance has revealed that Mick Harris (Scorn, Fret, Quoit, Napalm Death, Lull, and countless other pseudonyms) will be releasing an EP this late spring and LP in the fall of 2019.

Fans of Harris’ unique brand of noisy, hip-hop infused dark beats will remember his professed retirement seven years ago. Though Harris did produce music in the intervening years, there was something sorely missing which could only be the lack of a new Scorn release each year. It was hard to imagine that nothing more would be released under the vaunted name of Scorn.

This return can only mean that in the eyes and ears of Mick Harris the world has been weighed in judgement and found wanting. Now, for once, it can hope only to witness the sound and fury that is Scorn.

Stay tuned to and for additional release news.

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