Quān (Chinese for “circle”): Evokes the cycle of a day, of the peaceful and comforting feeling of the round shape, of repetition, and the multiplicity of structures from a common unity; an idea transcended into a compositional process by rationalizing repetitions of tones.

The multiplicity of forms from a common unity
Horla (Tawain-based music composer and Le Cabanon co-creator aka Clovis Lemée) plans to release Quān on Kaer’Uiks January 6, 2021 with Igloo Magazine readers given an exclusive listen starting Jan 1st. Check our Facebook page and/or email us to receive a download code prior to release!
A few words from Clovis Lemée regarding Quān: The first track’s name “Tàiyáng is a transcription of the characters 太陽, “sun” in traditional Chinese. Yuè liàng (月亮), means “moon.” The interlude is transcript from Japanese mizūmi (湖), “lake.” The later is an extract of the latest collaboration between Clovis Lemée (Horla) and Japanese artist Megumi Matsubara for an exhibition in Towada Art Center in North of Japan. Quān 圈, “circle,” evokes the cycle of a day, of the peaceful and comforting feeling of the round shape, of repetition, and the multiplicity of structures from a common unity; an idea transcended into a compositional process by rationalizing repetitions of tones, gestures and timbres, which come thus, from a simple impulse, emerge complex harmonies and movements.”
Tracklist ::
01 – Tàiyáng (Le Soleil)
02 – Mizūmi (Le Lac)
03 – Yuè Liàng (La Lune)
Format: Digital
Composed by Clovis Lemée
Design by Daniel Glaser