WE FORFEIT were delighted to be part of this return to music. Over four and a half hours, the lads went through two fat bags of records. Acid. EBM. Electro. House. Italo. Techno. Wave. The electronic gauntlet was well and truly ran.

The electronic gauntlet was well and truly ran
Valencia is an epicenter of electronic music. Hypnotica Colectiva is one of the city’s and has been a pivotal point in Spain for more than fifteen years. Located in the heart of Valencia, ran from record-store-come-club Killing Time, a label was spawned in 2016 with HC Records.
In spite of Valencia’s COVID restrictions (some of the strictest in Spain), Hypnotica Colectiva kept the “ruta de bacalao” spirit alive this summer with a four day birthday bash in August 2021. To celebrate sixteen years of fostering electronics across the Iberian peninsula, and beyond, Killing Time turned the amplifiers back on and welcomed folk back. WE FORFEIT were delighted to be part of this return to music. Over four and a half hours, the lads went through two fat bags of records. Acid. EBM. Electro. House. Italo. Techno. Wave. The electronic gauntlet was well and truly ran.
The essence of that mix has been simmered down to two hours. Expect tracks from the likes of Aspecto Humano, Bordello A Parigi, Femur, Frigio, Emotional Response, Hivern Discs, Waste Editions, Where We Met, Unusual Systems and, of course, HC Records.
¡Muchisímas gracias Hypnotica Colectiva y David!
Emitió a través Radio Relativa 14.10.21
Visit WE FORFEIT at weforfeit.blogspot.com