It’s absolutely true that the sheer volume of music that falls into the category of Electronica/IDM is so vast that it is daunting if not completely paralyzing for someone new to it all to get a handle on.

We received the following email from one of our readers in August 2019, and we thought a comprehensive response was in order:
Thank you very much for providing Igloo Magazine. I am relatively new to the electronica/IDM scene of the 2000’s and have benefited from reading many of the reviews on the website. Nonetheless, I find the sheer volume of releases daunting and often paralyzing—even the end-of-year lists are a bit overwhelming for someone coming in cold. Could you please consider putting together a guide for those new to the scene, or even just tag releases you now consider classics.
The albums that have stood out for me thus far (and may be deemed classics by others) include:
Beefcake :: Drei (Thrill Beat, 2001)
Gridlock :: Formless (Hymen, 2003)
Hecq :: 0000 (Hymen, 2007)
Huron :: The Other Side of Reality (Raumklang Music, 2013)I’ll understand if you and your writers are simply too busy — electronica/IDM artists seem remarkably prolific.
Best wishes,
Introduction by: Gustav Savy
This is difficult. It’s absolutely true that the sheer volume of music that falls into the category of Electronica/IDM is so vast that it is daunting if not completely paralyzing for someone new to it all to get a handle on. It’s the same in any genre of music, or film, painting, book etc. You simply would not be physically able to listen to everything within a lifetime, let alone give them all the attention they deserve. It’s frustrating as personally I know there is stuff out there that I would love but will never hear. Even when you get lists from people (or online magazines) whose opinion you trust, the volumes are often still too large. All I can do is relay my own methods of dealing with this and how I choose what to listen to.
Music is a difficult thing to talk about, it can be a dear friend in hard times, a motivator, a consoler, a vent for anger, a brother or sister in solidarity, a cry against the ceaseless tide of outrageous fortunes, a unifying voice for a subculture, a healer. I could go on. Music is personal to each of us, and every piece of music has a personalized affect on each of us. Sometimes a piece of music hits exactly the right chord in your soul at just the right time, sometimes you know that it will do so at some point in the future, or was perfect for a previous time.
The point of all this, I think, is that the music you listen to should be listened to with passion, and it should resonate with something in you. It needn’t be anything you can describe, in fact I think music operates often on a level that is beyond words, it deals with the things words can’t get to.
I’m very much an obsessive listener. I have been since I was a kid. I find something I like and I listen to it incessantly for weeks/months/years. When I find music that gets to me in some way, it becomes a sanctuary for me, a path through the rocks, a light, if you will, in the darkness. Or maybe sometimes a smile, or a shout.
So getting back to the issue, lists are fine, and I’ve often been guided by a list, I mean you have to start with something. Too big a list though is still daunting. The trick is to somehow stumble upon a single thing that knocks your socks off. Don’t feel duty bound to move on, if it does it for you, stay with it, become obsessed. Things will lead on from it. I’ve found that accepting there is no way I can get to everything makes it easier to enjoy the things I do find that kill me. Also, listen to the people whose opinions you trust, when their eyes glaze over as they describe a new tune or artist and they struggle to find words, take note. I’ve always found the things I come to when I have the time to really listen and get absorbed in are the things that have the biggest impact. That tends to happen when I take things a step at a time rather than trying to sponge up too much too quickly.
So here is my list of electronic music that connects with me like a shot of heroine in the arm, and still won’t let me go:
The two Burial albums above all else—it took awhile for me to really get it, but life changing.
Aphex Twin :: Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (Apollo, 1992)
The Bug :: London Zoo (Ninja Tune, 2008)
Burial :: Burial (Hyperdub, 2005)
Burial :: Untrue (Hyperdub, 2007)
LV & Josh Idehen :: Islands (Keysound, 2014)
Mothboy :: Bunny (As Noiseam, 2010)
Below is an extensive list (sorry, but we had to do it) compiled by Igloo contributors and fans alike—yes, it might be overwhelming, however, it’s probably best to pick a few titles that might be missing in your collection and slowly fill in the gaps along the way. While it’s easy to miss a few essential releases, watch this page as we’ll likely add to the list below. We’ve also compiled a Soundcloud player, so scroll down to tune in!
808 State :: ex:el (ZTT, 1991)
Abfahrt Hinwil :: Links Berge Rechts Seen (Toytronic, 2002)
Adam Johnson :: Chigliak (Merck, 2003)
Adrien75 :: Coastal Acces (Source, 2002)
Anders Ilar :: Everdom (2003)
André Estermann :: Balloon (Sellwell Productions, 2001)
Aphex Twin :: …I Care Because You Do (Warp, 1995)
Aphex Twin :: Selected Ambient Works 85-92 (Apollo, 1992)
Apparat :: Multifunktionsebene (Shitkatapult, 2001)
Arovane :: Atol Scrap (DIN, 2000)
Arovane :: Tides (City Centre Offices, 2000)
Aspen :: Are You That Retail Snob? (Involve, 1999)
Autechre :: Amber (Warp, 1994)
Autechre :: Incunabula (Warp, 1993)
Autechre :: Tri Repetae (Warp, 1995)
B12 :: Electro-Soma (Wax Trax!, 1993)
Bauri :: Slacker Journal (Neo Ouija, 2002)
Bedouin Ascent :: Science, Art And Ritual (Rising High, 1994)
Beefcake :: Drei (Thrill Beat, 2001)
Biosphere/HIA :: Polar Sequences (Beyond, 1996)
Bitcrush :: Enarc (Component, 2004)
Bitstream :: One Third Standard Lux (Modern Love, 2003)
Blamstrain :: Ensi (Merck, 2003)
Boards of Canada :: Geogaddi (Warp, 2002)
Boards Of Canada :: Music Has The Right To Children (Warp, 1998)
Boards of Canada :: Hi Scores EP (Skam, 1996)
Bola :: Soup (Skam, 1998)
Bola :: Fyuti (Skam, 2002)
Brothomstates :: Claro (Warp, 2001)
The Bug :: London Zoo (Ninja Tune, 2008)
Burial :: Burial (Hyperdub, 2005)
Burial :: Untrue (Hyperdub, 2007)
Casino Versus Japan :: Go Hawaii (Wobblyhead, 2000)
Casino Versus Japan :: Whole Numbers Play the Basics (Carpark, 2002)
Christian Kleine :: Beyond Repair (City Centre Offices, 2001)
Colongib :: Mapping Music (Kracfive, 1999)
Cylob :: Cylobian Sunset (Rephlex, 1996)
David Kristian :: Woodworking (Alien8, 1999)
Deru :: Pushing Air (Neo Ouija, 2003)
Dettinger :: Intershop (Kompakt, 1999)
Digitonal :: 23 Things Fall Apart (Toytronic, 2002)
Dynamo :: Außen Vor (DIN, 1997)
Einóma :: Milli Tónverka (Vertical Form, 2003)
Einóma :: Undir Feilnøtum (Vertical Form, 2002)
EON :: Void Dweller (Vinyl Selection, 1992)
Esem :: Enveloped (Defocus, 2002)
Fizzarum :: Phut Of Plex / Ursa Majoris (City Centre Offices, 1999)
Funckarma :: Parts (Djak-Up-Bitch, 2000)
Funckarma :: Solid State (Djak-Up-Bitch, 2001)
Fuse :: Dimension Intrusion (Warp, 1993)
The Future Sound of London :: Lifeforms (Astralwerks, 1994)
The Future Sound of London :: ISDN (Astralwerks, 1994)
The Future Sound of London :: Dead Cities (Astralwerks, 1996)
Gel-Sol :: Gel-sol 1104 (E:mit, 2003)
Gescom :: Gescom EP (Akam, 1994)
Gridlock :: Formless (Hymen, 2003)
Gridlock :: Live.Traces (n5MD, 2002)
Hecq :: Scatterheart (Hymen, 2004)
Hecq :: 0000 (Hymen, 2007)
Huron :: The Other Side of Reality (Raumklang Music, 2013)
Jack Dangers :: Variaciones Espectrales (Instinct/Bella Union, 2002)
Kiyoshi Ono :: Chaotech Odd Echo (Schematic Music Company, 2003)
Lackluster :: Showcase (Merck, 2003)
Lexaunculpt :: The Blurring Of Trees (Planet Mu, 2003)
Loess :: Burrows (nonresponse, 2009)
Loess :: Loess (nonresponse, 2001)
Lowfish :: Fear Not The Snow And Other Lo-fiing Objects (Suction, 1999)
Lowfish :: Eliminator (Suction, 2000)
Lusine :: Condensed (Hymen, 2003)
LV & Josh Idehen :: Islands (Keysound, 2014)
Machinedrum :: Now You Know (Merck, 2001)
Marumari :: The Wolves Hollow (Carpark, 2000)
Meat Beat Manifesto :: 99% (Mute, 1990)
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Satyricon (Mute, 1992)
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Storm The Studio (Sweatbox, 1989)
Meat Beat Manifesto :: Subliminal Sandwich (Play It Again Sam, 1996)
Monolake :: Interstate (Imbalance Computer Music, 1999)
Mothboy :: Bunny (As Noiseam, 2010)
Mouse On Mars :: Iahora Tahiti (Too Pure, 1995)
Mr Projectile :: Sinking (Merck, 2004)
Mu-ziq :: Lunatic Harness (Hut, 1997)
Octopus Inc :: Mere Things & Mindless Creatures (Kracfive, 1999)
Patio :: Parallel Play (Involve, 2000)
Phoenecia :: Brownout (Schematic Music Company, 2001)
Phoenecia :: Demissions (Schematic/Detroit Underground, 2011)
Phoenecia :: Randa Roomet EP (Warp, 1997)
Phonem :: Hydro Electric (Morr Music, 2000)
Plaid :: Not For Threes (Warp, 1997)
Polygon Window :: Surfing On Sine Waves (Warp, 1993)
Pop Will Eat Itself :: Cure For Sanity (RCA, 1990)
Prhizzm :: Prhizzm EP (Benbecula, 2005)
Proem :: Among Others (n5MD, 2006)
Proem :: liveMD[cd?] (n5MD, 2004)
Proem :: Socially Inept (Merck, 2004)
Proswell :: Konami (Merck, 2002)
Pub :: Summer (Vertical Form, 2001)
Push Button Objects :: Dirty Dozen (Chocolate Industries, 2000)
Quench :: Punctuated (n5MD, 2003)
Richard Devine :: Aleamapper (Schematic Music Company, 2001)
Richard H. Kirk :: Virtual State (Warp, 1994)
Secret Frequency Crew :: Forest Of The Echo Downs (Schematic Music Company, 2004)
Sense :: A View From A Vulnerable Place (Neo Ouija, 2001)
Signaldrift :: Compass (Wobblyhead, 2003)
Solvent :: Solvently One Listens (Suction, 1999)
Squarepusher :: Feed Me Weird Things (Rephlex, 1996)
Syntaks :: Awakes (Benbecula, 2006)
The Black Dog :: Temple of Transparent Balls (General Production, 1993)
The Black Dog / Productions :: Bytes (Wax Trax!, 1993)
The Detroit Escalator Co. :: Black Buildings (Peacefrog, 2002)
The Detroit Escalator Co. :: Soundtrack [313] (Ferox, 1996)
Tim Koch :: Faena (Merck, 2006)
Tim Koch :: Shorts In Alaska (Defocus, 2001)
Tim Tetlow :: Beauty Walks a Razor’s Edge (Planet Mu, 2001)
Ulrich Schnauss :: A Strangely Isolated Place (City Centre Offices, 2003)
Unagi Patrol :: Elevate and Pool (Carpet Bomb, 2000)
V/A :: (11 03 99) Live at Invisible Cities NYC (Töshöklabs, 2000)
V/A :: 0161 (Skam, 1997)
V/A :: Alt. Frequencies series (Worm Interface, 1996-2000)
V/A :: Artefacts (Art-Tek, 1999)
V/A :: Artificial Intelligence series (Warp, 1992-94)
V/A :: Cashier Escape Route (City Centre Offices, 2000)
V/A :: Cottage Industries series (Neo Ouija, 2000+)
V/A :: Further Electronics Vol. 1 (e:Motion, 2002)
V/A :: Lily of the Valley (Schematic Music Company, 2000)
V/A :: MAS Confusion (Musik Aus Strom, 2002)
V/A :: MD series (n5MD, 2000-02)
V/A :: Neurokinetic (Toytronic, 2000)
V/A :: Putting The Morr Back In Morrissey (Morr Music, 2000)
V/A :: RND_0.34873349921 (Pause_2, 2001)
V/A :: Snow Robots series (Suction, 2001-03)
V/A :: Töshöklabs Presents: Dated (Töshöklabs, 1999)
V/A :: We Are Reasonable People (Warp, 1998)
Vulva :: Birdwatch (Rephlex, 2001)
Woob :: 1194 (Instinct, 1994)
Xela :: For Frosty Mornings and Summer Nights (Neo Ouija, 2003)