AUXTURE :: Exploratory sampler and sequencer

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Created by the team over at Audiobulb, AUXTURE is a sampler and sequencer which allows the user to rearrange, rework and randomize sounds in an experimental fashion.

Rearrange, rework and randomize sounds in an experimental fashion

As a recording artist, I have come across quite a few apps and plugins that add options to my workflow. AUXTURE is the latest app that caught my eye (and ears). Created by the team over at Audiobulb, it’s a sampler and sequencer which allows the user to rearrange, rework and randomize sounds in an experimental fashion. The interface is pretty intuitive and easy-to-use with a learning curve that is pretty minimal. A bonus is the included sample pack—a great addition. The results can be quite unique as the level of parameter control over sample-sounds are pretty extensive. This is definitely for the experimental minded user but does not turn away a more traditional musician looking to create “new” sounds. Available as a standalone app or an Ableton plugin for both Mac OS and PC windows platforms. Installation is simple. But for Mac OS users, you will have to override the “not an apple app” like other non-registered Apple Store apps—NEW security as seen on later Mac OS installations. At a price point of about $30, it’s a steal and well worth the investment. Highly recommended.

Multi-effect software module featuring ::

  • ADSR Envelope
  • Timbric Delay
  • Frequency Modulation
  • Ring Modulation
  • Redux Distortion
  • Stereo Delay
  • Weird reverb
  • 2 x Second Order Filters with cut-off, resonance and gain controls
  • Bandpass, Notch and Shelf Filters
  • Midi and key mapping

Platform ::

Standalone & Ableton M4L software for Mac OSX & PC Windows
Compatible with Windows and Mac OSX 10.7 or later

AUXTURE is available on Audiobulb. [Website]

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