Solypsis :: Anthropocene (Component)

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Solypsis continues to ravage extreme broken beats, distorted acid, glitch, dark-hop, post-industrial warfare, and a propulsive technoid backbone.

Decimating eroded rhythms in swift and semi-coherent structural forms

James Miller has been shredding electronic devices for quite some time, for Anthropocene, his Solypsis moniker continues to ravage extreme broken beats, distorted acid, glitch, dark-hop, post-industrial warfare, and a propulsive technoid backbone. Managing to seamlessly fracture heavily drenched drums, jabbing bass kicks, and decayed breaks, there’s very little room to take a breather as each piece is as dense as the earth’s crust—its corrosive and mechanical core approximately 1,800 miles below our feet churning a sonic storm. Somewhere wedged between breakcore and chiseled electronics, Solypsis decimates eroded rhythms in swift and semi-coherent structural forms. Highlights include “Stripped Down,” “Loose Threads,” “Ulterior (de)Motive,” “Pico Boulevard,” ” Overthrow,” and “Anthropocene Climax.”

Anthropocene is available on Component. [Bandcamp]

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