The 15 Dead Minutes :: Bio-Evolved (Subapical)

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Bio-Evolved is title that somewhat explains the music pursued by the London machinists. The duo have carved sheer angles, slicing sounds with the percussion of an IBM programmed surgeon, as they reshape musical form with a human ear. Challenging and complex from the Subapical debutants.

Subapical hit the ground running early this year, the fledgling imprint announcing its arrival with not one but two 12”s. Since then the label has been quiet. But as we all know, silence does not necessarily equate to inactivity. Especially in the world of electronic music. With the vinyl still warm and just arriving in stores, Subapical returns with a cold cut to mirror the wintry climes outside.

The latest EP comes care of a machine loving partnership of David Froud and David Campbell, better known as The 15 Dead Minutes . “UTT Ea” groans with an industrial melancholy. Though a haze of smoke and heavy metals looms a kick drum and a piercing tune. The melody never truly reveals itself, instead it stalks in the shadows of distorted claps and malicious intent. That same disgruntlement is sown into “Enter Malum.” Born with a similar rhythmic disposition to its predecessor, the second installment soon blooms into a balance of earthly percussion and arcing celestial chords. Trying to pin down the style pursued by Fround and Campbell is quite difficult, the pair adapting and adopting elements of electro and techno while rinsing everything through a filter of cracked computer code and machine language. “Society Now” is an uneasy leer, broken vocals propounding ills through a corrupted human voice as beats punctuated alienating and unsettling keys. The title piece closes the quartet. Drums rain down for the finale, showers of steel scratched snares drench a short and sharp line of pulsing notes. The track sums up the coursing raw energy that The 15 Dead Minutes have captured with Bio-Evolved, an expression of unrefined emotion processed through a labyrinth of circuitry.

Bio-Evolved is title that somewhat explains the music pursued by the London machinists. The duo have carved sheer angles, slicing sounds with the percussion of an IBM programmed surgeon, as they reshape musical form with a human ear. Challenging and complex from the Subapical debutants.

Bio-Evolved is available on Subapical.

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