TX Connect :: Replacing Memories (Lower Parts)

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A grimy, distorted and oscillating four tracks offering for the Athens imprint.

TX Connect :: Replacing Memories (Lower Parts)

Continuing their global search for talent, Lower Parts is trekking all the way to Texas for their latest 12”. With releases on Dixon Avenue Basement Jams, L.I.E.S. and an upcoming EP for Computer Controlled, TX Connect’s brand of gritty house is finding a growing audience. And it’s a grimy, distorted and oscillating four tracks offering for the Athens imprint.

Gulping, swallowing, drowning. “Goodnight Moon Pt 1” is analogue arsenic. Gasping for breath samples try and find a lungful of air, a battery of machine tension pulling you deeper into the darkness. Cold decaying squawk introduces “Goodnight Moon Pt 2,” skittering hi-hats giving way to skeletal synth lines. Claps rain down as sounds begin to mutate. Juddering toms and rolling beats rise for a work of freaked out Chicago funk. And this is what TX Connect manages to achieve. Amidst the blackened bass and sinister sounds is a groove, a groove that captivates and flows. This can be seen in the perverse percussion and piano keys of the cluttered and clamoring “Don’t Freak.” The title piece occupies the last slot. Starting out in a minimal shuffling manner the track body builds itself into a panting, throbbing and warped end.

I’m sort of curious to see what house will turn into this year. I’ve the feeling that the genre has had so much attention in the last few years that interest will begin to wane. But when you’ve got a quality record, one that pushes and refuses to pander, one that merges forcefulness with function whilst avoiding clichés, then there will be an audience. And that’s what you get with TX Connect.

Replacing Memories is available Lower Parts.

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