Beneath Athens’ Electronics :: Lower Parts

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Working from the Greek capital is Lower Parts, a name which may have blipped on a number of radars of late.

Greece and Ireland have a number of things in common. Weather. No. But they do share certain things. Their location, each straddling the peripheries of Europe. Their recent economic woes, both nations experiencing some of their highest unemployment rates in history. Electronic music. Of late these two small states have seen a rise in analogue artists and synth centered labels. Echolvolt, based in Athens, has been dishing up quality electronics for several years. Another imprint working from the Greek capital is Lower Parts, a name which may have blipped on a number of radars of late with the release of Analopolis’ first 12”, Akropoleos.

You’d be forgiven for not knowing some of the artists on this Greek label, but said forgiveness will not stretch to ignoring them. The latest from Anapolis is hard to pin down. Yes it’s going to be in the House crate but there is more to it than Chitown pastiche. Perhaps this is because the tracks appear to have been created by no one artist, but the morphing Mediterranean amalgam of Dim DJ, Drum Machine, Lowjac and Oldman Talkin’. Undoubtedly a 12” that will catapult Lower Parts from obscurity onto the platters of Djs and fanatics alike.

DJ Dim, a veteran of Kinetik, offered up six pieces of acid introspection and late night sweat with Endless. But there’s a more abstract side to this EP. Amongst the 303 contortions and 707 judder comes seeking Techno sounds, wistful experimentation.

The first excursion on vinyl is arguably the most abstract. Tendts dished up a 12” of varying styles and textures. No one genre is adhered to, instead this debut record ducks and dodges the prescribed markers. Elements of Techno and House are present but also Electronica and IDM.

Faint Object come from a similarly mixed place. This EP, covered by us last year, sees colder movements merge with warmer currents for a dreamy audio landscape, culminating in the soulful brass of “If Six Was Nine.” KSTS are have a more serrated edge, acid clad Chicago with lush undertones for Sometimes More.

I recently made a mix for Newcastle’s Flight Recorder, plug that. I mean, ahem, anyway. I put three tracks from Lower Parts into the mix, the records had only arrived a couple of days before I recorded it. What I’m getting at, so impressed was I by the Athens output that I immediately reached for it. And you know what they say, actions speak louder than… well something.

For more information about Lower Parts, visit

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