Xu & Rooms Delayed :: Seaweeds (Triple Moon)

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An overwhelming contemplative drone ambient release and a truly absorbing excursion through intimate and delicate process music.

The young and independent net-label Triple Moon presents its third limited edition with this excellent collaborative work between two Italian drone ambient projects Xu & Rooms Delayed. Nicola Fornasari (aka Xu) is a prolific and eclectic sound designer and post-classical composer, known for his intimately impressionistic soundscapes and his noisy droney experiments published on a handful of micro structures such as Eilean, Subterranean Tide and Audio Gourmet.

Vicenzo Nazzaro (aka Rooms Delayed) is an inventive, active, versatile guitarist and sound researcher who produced a few digital releases on various net-labels. The duo provides here a distinctive and marvelously absorbing sonic sound tapestry, exploring the boundaries of time, perception, memory, melancholia and the flux of consciousness in an almost intuitively bergsonian way. Playful, intensively emotional and passionate, this album proves that the two artists can be considered as accomplished recording musicians, managing at its finest compositional tools and experiments on timbres and textures.

The opening theme “the shore” is an emotionally devastating melancholic grey soundscape with dramatic and detached piano tones, smoothly bass frequencies. “Marsh maze” follows a more Eno-esque slow tempo relaxing ambience with looped driven sequences which are gently flowing in deep space. “Tidal flat” represents the top of immersion through isolationist, spleen-like and nocturnal droney textures. A remarkable track followed by the vaporous and droned-out “a white fringe” and its echoing metallic resonances, guitar mantra-like buzzing noises and minimal piano notes.

Fans of Tim Hecker, Eluvium, Rosy Parlane, William Basinski, Christian Fennesz will no doubt be completely hypnotized by the majestic beauty and ephemeral sound structures of this collaborative effort. An overwhelming contemplative drone ambient release and a truly absorbing excursion through intimate and delicate process music.

Seaweeds is available on Triple Moon.

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