Visonia :: Impossible Romance (Last Known Trajectory)

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Ambient moments are paralleled by heartening Synth Pop and colder Electro.

Dare it be said, Visonia has quietly screamed onto the electronic music scene. With releases on Last Known Trajectory and Lux Rec, Nicolas Estany immediately caused a well earned stir amongst the faithful. The Chilean’s analogue rich sound crossed the boundaries between Synth Pop and Electro, captivating tracks brimming with a subtle soulfulness. To fully showcase this newcomer’s abilities LKT have drafted in Estany for a full double album.

There is a gentleness and warmth characterizing Visonia’s music, one that is made present from the album’s very beginning. “Juana de Arco” balances an emotional heaviness, a strain of feeling with sentimental lightness. Genre lines are blurred, set distinctions melting into an uplifting synergy. For those who missed Die Riesen you’re in luck, the three tracks feature; the unrequited Pop of “Impossible Romance,” the soulful atmospheres of “Die Reisen” and “Antarctic Love.” And this is what Estany does. The South American bends the boundaries of the dancefloor. Energy filled pieces like “Human Dysfunction” and “Beat Fequencies” are tempered by blissed out soundscapes such as “Lágrimas de Felicidad.” Other works bloom with a moody hopefulness. La Derniere Valse” rises and falls with possibility. The album comes to an end with the beautiful and brief “The Old Man And The Girl In His Arms.”

Visonia’s first EPs were a fantastic taster for this full course. The double LP format gives time, and space, to demonstrate an enviable musical prowess. Polar styles are present, but nothing jars. Ambient moments are paralleled by heartening Synth Pop and colder Electro. One of the best debut albums I’ve heard this year.

Impossible Romance is available on Last Known Trajectory.

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