David Ezra Brown :: David Ezra Brown EP (Bedroom Research)

David Ezra Brown continues to twist and pull various strands of organic instrumentation, chilled grooves and timeless acoustic production values that would easily fit any late-night coffee bar playlist.

David Ezra Brown EP

[Release page] David Ezra Brown baffles the ears with a self-titled EP of sparkling instrumental electronics—a blissful snapshot of several genres mashed together in a serene 5-pack collection. Almost dreamlike in its texture and trajectory, actual drums and bass / post-jazz inflections are emitted from every angle veering away from current trends in (digital) music techniques. There are Plaid-like drums closing out “Eleven Camels”—listen to Plaid’s “Headspin” (Not For Threes, Warp 1997) to compare—Squarepusher’s jazz injections on “drty mny” and Clark moments on “Small Rain”—its shuffled synths, noise and melody are expertly married. “12 Turtles” elevates crunchy bursts of rhythm as “Sprinkles” focuses on lively drum action that flickers among harmonious mood shifts. As the aforementioned comparisons might hint at simple reference points, David Ezra Brown continues to twist and pull various strands of organic instrumentation, chilled grooves and timeless acoustic production values that would easily fit any late-night coffee bar playlist. As we anticipate a full-length album, this extended player is a welcomed entrance into delicate sonic nostalgia that doesn’t wear away.

David Ezra Brown EP is available on Bedroom Research. [Release page]
