COMMUNIKEY FESTIVAL 2012 :: Visual Archive

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This gallery features photographs from the fifth year of Communikey Festival, held in Boulder, Colorado. The festival took place in a dozen venues, including Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Boulder Theater, Naropa University, Odd Fellows Lodge, and ATLAS Institute at the University of Colorado.

[April 25—29, 2012] The Communikey Festival focuses on electronic music, including a wide variety of styles ranging from ambient and experimental to techno and psychedelic dub. Performers were selected from around the world, curatorial quality was high, and overall the event resembles a smaller version of Decibel or Mutek. Film screenings, workshops, lectures, and art installations supplemented the music, and the festival heavily valued community involvement and environmental responsibility, not just entertainment. Laurie Anderson headlined with a performance incorporating spoken word, music, and visual projections. Modular synth pioneer Morton Subotnick presented a new live reimagining of his classic 1967 album, Silver Apples of the Moon, with visual projections by Germany’s Lillevan. Dark ambient legends Biosphere (from Norway) and Lustmord (UK/US) unveiled a new collaboration entitled Trinity, referencing the first detonation of a nuclear weapon in 1945. Pictured in this visual archive: Laurie Anderson, Lesley Flanigan, Morton Subotnick, Zammuto, Nils Frahm, Jacaszek, Radere, Nathan Wheeler, Offthesky, Biosphere, Lustmord, Pole, Peaking Lights and Sun Araw.

For more information about Communikey, visit their website at


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