Bevan Smith :: Getting Involved with Aspen

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Bevan Smith is the founder of New Zealand’s Involve Records. He records under the monikers Aspen and Signer on his own label. Bevan also works with Michael Upton (Jet Jaguar) as the combo called Patio. The Involve website contains all the info, accessories and releases you may require to seek to get involved.

Igloo: Why the name Aspen? I snowboarded whilst listening to your music once .. very strange.

Bevan Smith: Nothing to do with snow or mountains. Snowboarding to my music? That is strange.. beginners slopes? I can imagine moving fast to Aspen music.

Igloo: Can you imagine your life without music? (listening / writing).

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BS: I can imagine life with music yes.. music as in songs on the radio and stuff written by people intended for listening..
but not without noises.. I often like noises more than
music but then I would miss decent songs… and mashes of guitar noise layer upon layer.

Igloo: What first attracted you to creating electronic music?.

BS: It was easier than writing songs and the sounds of a synth were a lot more transportative. They took me into a nice dreamy, spookyspace.

Igloo: Do you prefer working alone or in conjunction with
other people’s ideas / sounds as with Patio?.

BS: It’s a lot more relaxing writing with others… if they are
on the same wavelengths like jeremy (Mandrake) and
michael (Jet Jaguar). working by myself I tend to expect
more from the tracks and work on stuff a
lot longer and can get a lot more frustrated.

Igloo: To what extent do you consider that the internet
is essential today if you are running and trying to promote a label that releases left of field electronica ? (Involve).

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BS: I was very cynical about the usefulness of having a web
presence.. but it has generated a lot of interest and contact
from people which would have been missed otherwise. Email is essential, no doubt about that. As the people who I constantly hassle know.

Igloo: What is in stall with Involve and where do you hope
to be in a years time with the label ?.

BS: A lot more variation in music released! I’m really happy
with the way Involve is growing and the artists are building
on ideas and moving into different areas. I would love it if
we were 50/50 electronic/guitar bands…it might take more
than a year though.

Igloo: What plans do you have for your own music in the future? Moving toward more traditional song structures with accoustic instruments ? [ as you mentioned before ].

BS: Aspen is evolving quite a bit at the moment. The guitar stuff has turned out pretty good and I will be continuing to work more in this area. Signer will be heading towards more ambient territories.

Igloo: What/where does your inspiration come from ? Do you have a master plan when you sit down and begin a track .. or just find some good sounds and wing it like me ? :).

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BS: Inspirtation and being in a studio are almost mutually
exclusive for me. I’m inspired more to take photos than I am to write music. That’s probably because I am at work most of my waking hours and have little time in the studio so it becomes very much a disciplined time where I have time limits and need toget things done within a certain time frame. Sometimes I have a master plan and have the whole track mapped in my head and basically write it down and record it.
Some times I work with sounds until they form an idea. I have about 5-6 tracks in my head at present I haven’t bothered recording yet. I should record them and free up some space!
With Signer I work with one synth and just mutate the sound
through effects, eq’s until it feels good. Pure sound creation is real fun, the way Michael Upton alters sounds on his sampler, it’s fun just sitting there listening to how fucked up you can make things.

A new Aspen full length is expected on Involve in the coming
months called Music from Passing Cars. Aspen’s Sugar/Spice 12″ is now out on Emanate Records.

Involve yourself!

  • Involve Records
  • Emanate Records
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