Rusuden/Line 47 :: Parcinx Mind (Sonic Terror)

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Rusuden :: Data

Justin Morgan is electronic music’s Rusuden. Creating his downtempo /
braindance-styled tracks for over two years now, Justin has released two
full length CDs and one CD EP under the record label Fu Man Chaw Records.
His current release, the Parcinx Mind split 12″ with Line 47, finds
Rusuden exploring more complicated avenues of sound and form. “I found
myself looking for more out of my sound with this one… Having it released
on Sonic Terror made me work harder, because all of the ST crew are so
talented. I’m honored they’re supporting my music.”

Music by Rusuden can be heard all over. MTV’s The Real World used “Coloring
Book” and “Gall” on two separate seasons, landing him credits on both MTV
and Bunim-Murray web sites. The popular BMX magazine, Snap, put Rusuden’s
“Do We Breathe You?” to BMX racing and trick shots in their promotional
video “Industry”. His music can also be heard on a few different independent
films due out this year. Dan Tobin’s The Cool features 10 different songs
by Rusuden throughout the entire film, and KY’s own Zombie Planet will
feature one or two tracks on it’s upcoming soundtrack.

Listen to Baloo is a Bear MP3 Soundclip!

Links ::

  • Justin Morgan
  • Fu Man Chaw
  • Sonic Terror


    Line 47 :: Data

    Line 47 began creating music as a percussionist in a noise/post-rock
    project. Soon after, he moved into electronics and found sounds. Composing
    and arranging with old record players, tape loops, and self-made lock
    grooves. These crude abstract concertos began Scott’s journey into the realm
    of experimental electronica.

    Line 47 began using computers to manipulate sounds. His projects and
    endeavours became more intricate and complex, with heavy jungle influences
    as well as nintendo-esque melodies.

    Listen to Idle Ruins MP3 Soundclip!

    Links ::

  • Sonic Terror


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