FMS-80 :: Lifestyle 02 (Rednetic)

Rednetic Recordings’ co-founder Joseph Auer glides us gingerly into the slipstream of the FMS-80 (FM Synthesis 1980) environmental / ambient / sound art of Lifestyle 02.

Ceremoniously cultural electronic compositions

Through nine hybridized, often ceremoniously cultural electronic compositions, Rednetic Recordings’ co-founder Joseph Auer glides us gingerly into the slipstream of the FMS-80 (FM Synthesis 1980) environmental/ambient/sound art of Lifestyle 02—utilizing varieties of synthesis-orientated, segue-based poly angular fixations centered aesthetically upon two (3 months each) visits into his ongoing field recorded research outside the Japanese and South Korean focal narratives. Comprising elegant endeavors throughout localized Musik gambus, avante-garde, Musik Islami, and Pop to Rock to Funkot laced milieus of Malaysia, and southern Thailand province of Narathiwat, or Western Australia.

The aforementioned, encapsulated ever so inescapably well through Aure’s FMS-80’s bouncy Muscovite portrayals, Lifestyle 02 opens with “Bedaihe Loop,” the oceanic intellectuality of “Esplanade View,” and the arising of the glycoprotein Enoesque (ref. The Drop) courtyards of the modern Hutong housing developments (“Modern Hutong Courtyard,” “Housing Development”). The shuddered shimmied sways forth tremolo via “Sentul East Atrium” and inside “Changgo House”—a textural anon preceding the outward pathways of “Swedish Container.”

Lifestyle 02 is available on Rednetic. [Bandcamp]
