Zainetica :: Transmission Vectors (Rednetic)

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A 12-track album based on syncopated downtempo/dubstep beats, dub basslines and dreamy pad synths that can almost take you to a state of trance.

Transcending the finest established references

Zainetica returns to Rednetic with Transmission Vectors, a 12-track album based on syncopated downtempo/dubstep beats, dub basslines and dreamy pad synths that can almost take you to a state of trance.

The opening track, “The Games We Play” is a great introduction to a solid album as it lays down some elements of the rich amount of sounds and (Detroit-inspired) rhythms that encompass the release’s aesthetic. The high point comes right next. On “Synchromesh” it feels like that iconic episode of Beavis & Butthead where they say that Metallica creates really small good parts on “One” to contrast with the rest of the song to make it even better. As cliched as it may sound, as the dubby vibe progresses, the delicately poured mini doses of familiar sounding melodic parts tend to make the listener hungry for more and more of those precious moments. What a beautiful track! Waiting for an extended version of it or a remix.

“Moment of Clarity,” a very contemplative and delightful piece, may also cause much joy to old-school IDM heads as it brings the same kind of 90s classic feel. It seems as if he knows just where to get the inspiration from. On the other hand, while some of the artists synths and melodic lines recollect of early μ-Ziq works, some others, like the rave sounding ones on “Sightlines,” which also appear a bit on “Stem And Vines,” remind of more contemporary IDM like Warp’s recently released young artist Lorenzo Senni and even Hudson Mohawke, which shows that Zainetica is also about transcending the finest established references and pushing his own boundaries.

Transmission Vectors is available on Rednetic. [Bandcamp | Release page]

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