Neuro… No Neuro :: Object Models (Audiobulb)

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The main ingredient NNN adds to these dozen delicate micro bubbles is an auditory and theatrical lullaby of sorts—one that seamlessly merges clinical musical shapes with flowing atmospheric momentum.

A dozen delicate micro bubbles

Having a fresh view on life after surviving three brain surgeries, Neuro…No Neuro (aka Tucson, Arizona-based Kirk Markarian) reflects on the experience of neurological change. Utilizing synthesizers and various machinery, he recreates vivid sound sculptures depicting the side effects of brain surgery and radiation treatment. The results are confounding and inviting.

Through abstract clicks’n cuts, microscopic blips’n bleeps, and layers upon layers of subdued ambient whirs, Object Models displays a whole new sonic space, one that expands and contracts via minimalist methods. Static fizz-fuzz bits and pieces slide across dry sand dunes while low-profile tones and drones wisp by like classic Pole soundscaping crackles crossing with Oval’s CD skipping crispness. The main ingredient NNN adds to these dozen delicate micro bubbles is an auditory and theatrical lullaby of sorts—one that seamlessly merges clinical musical shapes with flowing atmospheric momentum.

Object Models is available on Audiobulb. [Bandcamp]

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