Venetian Snares :: Hospitality EP (Planet Mu, CD/LP)

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1457 image 1(01.28.07) Life is like a Venetian Snares release, you never quite know what you’re going to get. While not strictly true every so often Mr. Snares will throw a curve ball, like 2005’s Rossz…. Now while I wouldn’t call Hospitality as much of a curve ball as Rossz…, the one thing I would say is it’s closer to that than it is a lot of his other releases.

Why? Because there is a lot of melody on this EP. From the melancholic melodic groovy organ of “Shoot Myself” to the broken 8-bit melodies and frenetic beats of “Duffy,” they’re all well written and… well… catchy. Straight from the opening track, “Frictional Nevada” with its complex melodic patterns you can tell he’s aiming at you from a different direction here.

The frenetic heart stomping beats and weird time signatures are all there of course, Venetian Snares fans be aware, you just have an added side dish of creamy melody to wolf down with it. And it fits so well, adding that extra dimension to his sound and showing that despite the gargantuan and ever-growing back catalogue of releases Aaron Funk has out he can still develop his sound to give it a fresh breath of life.

When V-Snares hits the target, he really hits it and I’d go as far as to say that Hospitality, like Rossz…, is the other Venetian Snares release you can recommend to people who don’t like his normal output.

That said I can of course heartily recommend it to people who love his releases anyway as the trademark Venetian Snares rhythmic rippings and hyper-complex grooves are all still there intact. Go get it and see!

Hospitality is out now on Planet Mu.

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