Cubist is an apt descriptor because the way the sounds are presented are analogous to the abstracted forms within cubist painting. Much like the rounded edges are turned to polygons and triangles within Picasso’s works, the vast delays are cut off before their natural ending and lazy back beats are pulled in closer.

[Listen | Purchase] Dub and reggae have mutated in to hundreds of new forms over the last several years. Despite all of this variation on the form, Venetian Snares has been able create something new and interesting around the structures of the reggae genre on his new release. Cubist is an apt descriptor because the way the sounds are presented are analogous to the abstracted forms within cubist painting. Much like the rounded edges are turned to polygons and triangles within Picasso’s works, the vast delays are cut off before their natural ending and lazy back beats are pulled in closer. Overall this creates a very claustrophobic feel for the listener because sounds don’t fall or end where expected. Glitchy effects and edits abound and take full advantage of the stereo field and add to the tension with the extended player’s four tracks. At times, the tracks feel like they want to kick in to the break-beat madness that Aaron Funk is known for (particularly on “You Discovered the Secret and Juiced It for All Its Majesty”) but pull back in before they go into full spastic overdrive. While this release may take a couple of listens for the listener to warm up to, it is well worth the effort.
Cubist Reggae is out now on Planet Mu. [Listen | Purchase]