Conspiring with fellow-travellers in ambient-drone and atmospheric electronica, Alan Lockett, Igloo Contributing Editor (aka albient for mixage and audio-scrawl), compiles a document of days.
[September 2011] End Summerless: a mix to accompany impressions of a summer now apparently ending, with a strange sense of somehow never having started; not worth talking about perhaps, but listening’s the thing. Conspiring with fellow-travellers in ambient-drone and atmospheric electronica, Alan Lockett, Igloo Contributing Editor (aka albient for mixage and audio-scrawl), compiles a document of days.
Alan waxes lyrical: “To soundtrack this summer of wan light and spotty sun, dusky airs and minimal graces, called for an ambience more stunned than blissed, more wooze than chill. To fill the aestival lacuna, an ending to these unseasoned months was sought in sounds silky and sulky alike dredged from a May-September trawl and spun into an hour-long tone tract. This is music for staying home to, for taking you under, for huddling down against the rains and riots, against the longueurs and lootings, summoning up a season in the act of listening.”
End Summerless by Albient on Mixcloud
ALAN LOCKETT :: End Summerless mix
01. Koen Daigaku :: “Wind has Risen” from Wind has Risen (Twisted Tree Line)
02. Willamette :: “Measuring Heartbreak” from Echo Park (Infraction)
03. Father :: “Gourd” from The Return of Father (Root Strata)
04. Fennesz :: “Follow Blind” from The Morning Line (The Morning Line)
05. Chubby Wolf :: “Bedside Manor” from Maudlin & Elusive (Teosinte)
06. talkingmakesnosense :: “Photophobic” (Rural Colours)
07. Eluder :: “Jovian” from Only Light to Clear Away (Distance)
08. Sean McCann :: “Minted Waters” from The Sky is Filled with Incredible Wishes (Aguirre)
09. Jannick Schou :: “21.20” from Against a Backdrop of Blue Hills… (Dead Pilot)
10. Grouper :: “Moon is Sharp” from A I A : Alien Observer (Yellow Electric)
11. Lawrence English :: “The Hunting Life” from The Peregrine (Experimedia)
12. Bengalfuel :: “Malphas” from Kokolias (Resting Bell)
13. Aeon-Lost :: “Under Europa” from Coma Voyager (self release)
14. Maps & Diagrams :: “The Infinite Delay” from The Voices of Time (Handstitched)
15. Aquarelle :: “A Strange Sweet Woe” from Sung in Broken Symmetry (Students of Decay)
16. Ten & Tracer :: “OK, This is Me” from Friendless Now (Nomadic Kids Republic)
17. Celer :: “Menggayan” from Mengayyakan (Analog Path)
18. Janek Schaefer :: “Love Calls Us To The Things…” from Phoenix & Phaedra Holding Patterns (Spekk)
19. Jannick Schou :: “Untitled II (for Tape)” from Against a Backdrop of Blue Hills… (Dead Pilot)
20. Radere :: “Good Evening, Ghosts” from Sequence1 (Futuresequence)
21. d_rradio :: “Downward Road” from Forecast (Heat Death)
(bookended by fragments from Endless Summer by Fennesz and Cold Summer by Lull)
End Summerless by albient