Delving deep into the world of Bandcamp tape releases for our eleventh update—so much good music, so little time…maybe just scroll past all the writing […]
Tag: TAPE Transmissions
TAPE :: Transmissions 10
In the true dichotomy that is the tape release world, we’ve continued to trawl the digital world to search out some of the finest tape […]
TAPE :: Transmissions 9
We must admit we’ve taken our time since the last update on all things tape. We even missed Cassette Store Day—but every day is Cassette […]
TAPE :: Transmissions 8
It’s been a few months since our last dedication to all things magnetic tape. But never fear, we’ve kept the reels turning and have unearthed […]
TAPE :: Transmissions 7
Back with the first Tape Transmission of 2016—and what a collection of music we have for you. Gracing our tape heads are selections of vaporwave […]
TAPE :: Transmissions 6
We continue our search across the world of cassette releases to provide you with a few gems from the many excellent releases out there. As […]
TAPE :: Transmissions 5
Time for more tips from the world of cassette releases. As always, there’s so much amazing music out there—with a few favorites from various musical […]
TAPE :: Transmissions 4, Space and New Age
As NASA announce the discovery of earth-like planet Kepler-452b and New Horizons beams photos back of Pluto, we felt it was time to indulge in a […]
TAPE :: Transmissions 3
It’s been far too long since the last Tape Transmission but this means there are heaps of excellent releases to catch up on. Boliden :: […]