Northern Mexico’s Facade Electronics’ annual compilation titled Sampler IV (aka Sampler IV. Present and future. Facade Electronics 2020-2025) shifts into their fourth of the series, representing fourteen tracks that spark and shimmer at all the right angles.
Tag: Sons of Melancholia
Sons of Melancholia :: Silencer (diametric.)
With plangent pads and heart-tug strings folded into deep bass pulses and off-kilter rhythms roamed through by a refined melodic sensibility, Silencer offers a view from and into […]
ALAN LOCKETT :: Elsewhereness mix
Igloomag’s Alan Lockett alias albient (mixcloud | soundcloud) dials in an ambient-electronic mix. Among its dream-scape streams and aether waves, reverb-trails and echo-veils, feature a number of recently igloo-‘viewed goodies. Here is elsewhereness… […]
Sons of Melancholia :: Beauty is Imperfection (diametric.)
“For fans of early Autechre and 90’s IDM music such as Beaumont Hannant, Stasis, Likemind and B12…” The press release of diametric.’s latest album makes […]