Highlighting hundreds of releases in 2024 (and allowing December to set in), we’ve compiled a list of our favorites along with links to their corresponding Igloo reviews and release pages. Since the lists are arranged alphabetically by artist—and a snapshot of tracks are featured in our Soundcloud playlist along with selected Bandcamp tracks and random artwork selections—there are, as usual, no winners or runners-up.
Tag: Shuttle358
shuttle358 :: optimal.lp [reissue] (Keplar)
A quarter of a century on from optimal.lp’s release, then, its timelessness is still palpable, even enhanced, with the reissue’s addition of three tracks made while working on it, plus a new take on the closing “Tank” (digital only): in prepping the reissue, running one of the masters through a customized reverb unit, he began recording the outcome of this haptic past-inside-the-present dialog.
ALAN LOCKETT :: Slings the Wooze Renewed mix
2016! Reeling from The Shock of the New, Igloo’s Wooze-slinger Alan Lockett (aka Mist-maxer albient) is moved to review and renew (or take refuge, depending […]
ALAN LOCKETT :: Slings the Wooze Anew mix
Revisiting the sound and vision of Slings The Wooze, Igloo’s Alan Lockett, aka Mist-maxer albient, Slings the Wooze Anew with more than a score of exponents of […]