Raisbeck delivers track after track of meticulously produced and emotionally charged mood music of the highest calibre that both recalls but never imitates a myriad […]
Tag: Sense
Five questions for Neo Ouija
Martin Hirsch, current Neo Ouija label operator, takes some time to answer Five questions for igloomag.com. Learn more about the assent, descent and rebirth of this multifaceted […]
Five questions for Detroit Underground
Sohail Azad (aka Kero and Detroit Underground mastermind) is at the forefront of entrepreneurial audio / visual design. Having cultivated precision experiments in electronics for […]
V/A :: Mindfield (Psychonavigation)
Like passing through the past two-decades of ambient, techno, electronica, noise, IDM and any other possible sub-genre, Keith Downey (label boss) has inadvertently retraced the […]
Five questions for Psychonavigation
Igloo Magazine sat down with Keith Downey, label owner and operator of the now decade young Psychonavigation Records outfit to discuss, via hyperspace, a few […]
V/A :: Intelligent Toys (Sutemos, MP3)
Intelligent Toys was released on February 29th, a rare day which Sutemos gleefully claimed as an appropriately special day for their first compilation — the […]
Aurora :: Compilation (Merck Records)
The Aurora compilation is a departure from the Merck releases thus far. It is a compilation composed of ambient tracks created by released and unreleased […]