Through multiple evolutions along decades, with a refined combination of harmonies, a deep sense of space, a phenomenology of time and bright sonic manipulations based on acoustic timbres, Japanese artists invite the listener to enlightened and intuitive inner promenades.
Tag: Michiru Aoyama
Elsewhereness revisited #18 music for distancing
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging and blurb blah, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed ’n’ ’camp-ed up, along with new companion mix, Elsewhereness revisited […]
Elsewhereness revisited #17 cabinfeverdreams
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging and blurb blah, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed ’n’ ’camp-ed up, complete with new companion mix, Elsewhereness revisited #17. […]
Elsewhereness revisited #16 new age of isolationism
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging and blurb blah, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed ’n’ ’camp-ed up, complete with new […]
Elsewhereness revisited #15 a decade decayed
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging and blurb blah, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed ’n’ ’camp-ed up, complete with new companion […]
Elsewhereness revisited #14 ambivalentine daze
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging and blurb blah, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed, ‘n’ ’camp-ed up, complete with companion mix, Elsewhereness […]
Elsewhereness revisited #9 oneiromancy quarterly
Elsewhereness revisited is an occasional feature documenting the drift at the margins: ambient gasbagging, ’tube-d, ’cloud-ed, and ’camp-ed up, complete with companion mix, Elsewhereness revisited #9. […]
6APPEAL :: Shimmering Moods
Neonate Shimmering Moods label’s rapid-fire release strategy tops our pile with an array of the unknown, Gallery Six, Michiru Aoyama, ~~^^^macheteoxidado^^^~~, TimeDog, and away from […]
Michiru Aoyama :: 音は光る (The Sound Is Shining) (Organic Industries)
In these eight striking miniatures, he illuminates that meaning for us by melding, in the Zen spirit of forerunner John Cage, artifice, nature and technology. […]