“Qu4drilogy is a concept work for four albums by Frank Riggio iggio. The concept is fully finished with the additional album Versions / Outtakes—released exactly one year after the first part was published.”
Tag: Hymen
Frank Riggio :: qu4 (Hymen)
The eroded and surreal sonic manifests on qu4 carefully collapse and recombine succinctly, casting darker shadows than previously explored,
Frank Riggio :: Dri (Hymen)
Developing a completely original style, the album feels cinematic and overflowing with a variety of intense field recordings and transformed found sounds.
Defrag :: Lost Worlds (Hymen)
Lost Worlds is a blisteringly vivid amalgamation of apocalyptic sounds and electronics that eventually implode, infused with corrosive and magnetic rhythms.
Frank Riggio :: gy (Hymen)
Through this seductive audio journey, hundreds of intertwined pieces make their way through in a captivatingly bizarre and masterfully balanced collection.
Hecq :: Form EP (Mesh)
An unsurprising and blissful quintuplet to cool warm summer nights as Hecq smashes it in true form.
Lackluster :: Alley (Hymen)
Though the gear and technique have changed over the years, Alley still encapsulates the signature Lackluster sound. Fans of Esa’s work will feel right at home hearing this record.
Room of Wires :: Welcome To The End Game (Ant-Zen)
My initial overall impression of Welcome To The End Game is that this is a very worthy follow up to earlier releases. We are greeted with all of the hallmarks of RoW including their fractured beats, evocative and emotional synth lines…