Eight darker strewn industrial-dub strands are presented by Lost Cat Magnet (aka Ricardo Acevedo) on Experiments in Terra.
Tag: Heterodox
enereph | Production Unit Xero :: premoniss | Bukimi no Tani Genshō (Heterodox)
Merging uncanny sound worlds and dark droning synthesis to more direct and punchy post-industrial wastelands.
Production Unit Xero :: Post African Repetitions (Heterodox)
Post African Repetitions represents a lofty, cohesive concept: to evoke emotional responses to Mills’ understanding of himself as a product of the African diaspora and […]
Cathode Ray Tube :: Atlas Of Migraine (Heterodox)
Atlas Of Migraine details an expansive foray through the ventricles of intelligent dub music, mustering up hundreds of ideas that disperse evenly upon its technoid […]