In a mere eight minutes, AZ-Rotator spins just enough momentum to leave us hanging, eager to see what strange new realms he’ll explore in 2025. A bold and sleek pairing that holds nothing back.
Tag: Discontinu
AZ-Rotator :: Exploring Standards (Evel)
It’s a dizzying array of found sounds glued together by a talented sonic sculptor that results in an upbeat, punctuated, and creative album with teeth.
Pauk :: Melancholic Anger (Discontinu)
Melancholic Anger is just that, an engaged album that punctuates the outer glitch-IDM landscape with a flare for classical moments peppered throughout. Pauk (aka Pau Cabruja) […]
Nev.Era :: Aisla (Disomnia)
A landmark of visual-audio panoramas, Nev.Era delves into a tangible electronic music trove that reveals more about our terrestrial planet than we ever thought possible. Sergio […]
XTRNGR :: Climbing (Discontinu)
Peppered throughout Climbing one can find elements of microscopic electronic bits falling by the wayside as they are reconfigured and mangled into coherent mechanical lava […]
Top releases of 2013
Well over 150 releases have been selected by various contributors highlighting some of the finest in an expansive array of electronic music featuring ambient, […]
Nev.Era :: Presión Profunda (Discontinu)
Essential electronic music that delivers evocative soundscapes and smothered ambiences. Translated to deep pressure you can easily hear Nev.Era’s impacting sound on the latest with Discontinu. […]
Playmodes :: Plegat EP (Discontinu)
An electrical smattering filled with detailed microscopic flickering. Playmodes’ Plegat extended player for Spain’s Discontinu is simply an electrical smattering filled with detailed microscopic flickering. Four original […]
V/A :: Discontinurecords 06/13 (Discontinu)
Discontinurecords 06/13 is an accomplished cross-section of definitive electronics focusing its efforts on a smorgasbord of sonic activity from a wide-spanning roster of talent. Broken beats, […]